Cheat for Rast

Macrohook Rust Lite

Make your Rust game more exciting with MacroHook Lite! Our reliable cheat is well-balanced and offers a wide range of features without unnecessary extraneous functions. The player highlighting functionality makes the gameplay more transparent, and the admin flag opens the door to the debug camera.

Select the required subscription plan

1 days - 3$
7 days - 11$
30 days - 25$
Buy for 3$ for 1 days

By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.

Functionality and system requirements

  • Box ESP - F8
  • Admin Flag - F9
  • Chams - F10
  • Spiderman - F11

Macrohook Rust Lite

Make your Rust game more exciting with MacroHook Lite! Our reliable cheat is well-balanced and offers a wide range of features without unnecessary extraneous functions. The player highlighting functionality makes the gameplay more transparent, and the admin flag opens the door to the debug camera.

1 days - 3$
7 days - 11$
30 days - 25$
Buy for 3$ for 1 days

By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.

rust chams

rust cheat

hacks rust