Cheat for Rast
Private cheat for the game Rust from the developer Fluent. This software includes all the necessary functionality and is one of the most powerful on the market. Easy setup and top functionality will help you defeat your opponents in the game Rast. Join the choice of many, buy our private cheat!
Select the required subscription plan
By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.
Functionality and system requirements
- Functions
- System requirements
- Aimbot type - Normal, Silent and Manipulation
- Draw FOV Circle
- Smoothness
- Aim Spot
- Auto Shoot
- Auto Shoot Sound
- Rapid Fire
- Increase Bullet TP Scan On Mounted Targets
- Instant Hit
- Auto Shoot Wait For Instant Hit
- Bullet TP
- Patrol Heli Bullet TP
- Players
- Name
- Box
- Health Bar
- Distance (Customizable Position)
- Skeleton
- Don't Draw Friendly Option
- Friendly Color Override
- Enemy Color Override
- Active Item (Icons, Game Names and Shortened Names)
- Player Chams (Solid Visible, Solid Visible/Invisible, Solid Outline Visible/Invisible, Wireframe, Rainbow Wireframe, See Through Wall with Soft Line, Blured, Trippy)
- Hotbar
- Sleepers
- Radar
- Players on Radar option
- Sleepers on Radar option
- Wounded on on Radar option
- NPCs
- Name
- Box
- Health Bar
- Distance (Customizable Position)
- Skeleton
- Active Item ( Icons, Game Names and Shortened Names)
- Animals
- All Animal ESP (Name, Icons, Health Bar, Distance)
- Vehicles
- All Vehicle ESP (Name, Icons, Health Bar, Distance)
- Ores
- All Ore ESP (Name, Distance)
- Collectibles
- All Collectibles ESP (Name, Distance)
- Stash
- Stash ESP (Name, Distance)
- Crates
- All Crates ESP (Name, Distance)
- AI
- Cargo, Patrol Heli, Bradley (Name, Health Bar, Distance)
- Corpses
- Player Corpses (Name, Distance)
- Player Backpacks (Name, Distance)
- Deployables
- Tool Cupboards (Name, Distance)
- All Workbenches (Name, Distance)
- Sleeping bags (Name, Distance)
- Items
- Melee Weapons (Name, Distance)
- Tier 1 Weapons (Name, Distance)
- Tier 2 Weapons (Name, Distance)
- Tier 3 Weapons (Name, Distance)
- Explosives (Name, Distance)
- Resources (Name, Distance)
- Tools (Name, Distance)
- Medical (Name, Distance)
- Ammo (Name, Distance)
- Other (Name, Distance)
- Traps
- Shotgun Trap (Name, Distance)
- Flame Turret (Name, Distance)
- SAM Site (Name, Distance)
- Auto Turrets (Name, Health, Distance)
- Bear Traps (Name, Distance)
- Landmines (Name, Distance)
- Show Authorized Traps (Name, Distance)
- Raids
- All Raid Items (Name, Distance)
- Seconds of Last Raid Item
- World
- Bright Cave
- Edit Night
- Night Ambient Multiplier
- Change Night Ambient Color
- Other
- View Model Hand Chams ( Solid Visible, Solid Visible/Invisible, Solid Outline Visible/Invisible, Wireframe, Rainbow Wireframe, See Through Wall with Soft Line, Blured, Trippy )
- View Model Weapon Chams ( Solid Visible, Solid Visible/Invisible, Solid Outline Visible/Invisible, Wireframe, Rainbow Wireframe, See Through Wall with Soft Line, Blured, Trippy )
- Recoil Y
- Recoil X
- Aim cone
- No Spread
- Force Automatic
- No Sway
- Faster Bullets
- Instant Eoka
- Fast Bow
- Instant Compound Charge
- Auto Reload
- Faster Auto Reload
- Wield Items While Mounted
- Better Penetration
- Shoot Through Wounded
- Shoot Through Teammates
- Hit Override ( Head, Chest)
- Hit Override Patrol Heli
- Silent Melee
- Weapon Spam
- Spider-man
- No Fall
- Infinite jump
- Jesus Mode ( Walk on Water)
- Omni-sprint ( Running Sideways)
- Anti Fly-hack Kick
- Prevent Cheat Detected
- Noclip Collisions
- No tree Collisions
- No player Collisions
- Interactive Debug
- Admin Flag
- Block Server Commands
- Auto Upgrade
- Disable On Running Out of Material
- Disable after (X) Seconds
- Desync
- Show Indicator
- On Key Max Desync Override
- Max on Desync Time
- Desync Mode
- Max Desync Time
- Disable When In Air
- Disable When Moving
- Disable When Mounted
- Instant Loot
- Loot Stashes Without Unhiding
- No Screen Shake
- Always Hit Hot Spot
- Silent Farm
- Auto Farm Barrels
- Can Create Your Own config/Use someone else's Config
- Save and Load Config
Player List:
Can Edit any Player In your server to: Neutral, Friendly, Enemy
Private cheat for the game Rust from the developer Fluent. This software includes all the necessary functionality and is one of the most powerful on the market. Easy setup and top functionality will help you defeat your opponents in the game Rast. Join the choice of many, buy our private cheat!
By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.