Cheat for Rast
Ancient Rust
Ancient is one of the top providers of private software for various games. This software is based on Rust, has proven itself from the best side, regular updates, good functionality, a lot of positive reviews and all this at an affordable price!
Select the required subscription plan
Buy for 5$ for 1 day
By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.
Functionality and system requirements
- Functions
- System requirements
- Aimbot Settings
- Enable
- Aim Type (Silent; Memory)
- Aim key
- Hit Chance (slider)
- Max Aim Distance (slider)
- Use Smooth (slider; works only with memory aim)
- Draw Fov
- Aim Fov (slider)
- Aim Bone: Head | Neck | Stomach | Closet | Closet No Head
Target Settings
- Enemies
- Npcs
- Teammates
- Sleepers
- Friends
- Lock Target
- Lock Target key
- Show Belt Items
- Belt Items Scale (slider)
- Crosshair
- Target line
- Prediction Dot
Weapone Settings
- Recoil Modify (x; y slider)
- Spread Modify (slider)
- Fast Eoka
- No Shotgun Spread
- Increase Bullet Speed
- Rapid Fire
- Enemies; Teammates; Npc; Sleepers.
- Enable
- Box: color
- Name: color
- Weapon Name: color
- Weapone Icon: color
- TeamID: color
- Distance: color
- Skeleton: color
- Look Direction: color
- Look Alert: color
- Explosive Flags: color
- Off Arrows: color
- Arrows Range (slider)
- Max Render Distance (slider)
- Player Chams
- Chams Style (14 types)
- Enable
- Players: color
- Npc: color
- Sleeper: color
- Team: color
- Player Count
- Npc Count
- Radar Size (slider)
- Ore
- Crates
- Animals
- Collectables
- Deployables
- Traps
- Transport
- Other
- Enable
- Raid Timer (slider)
- Draw C4
- Draw Rockets
- Draw Explosives
- Draw Sachel
- Draw Beancan
Object Setup
- Enable: color
- Draw Name
- Draw distance
- Limit Distance (slider)
- General
- FPS limit
- Show FPS
- Battle Mode
- Battle Mode key
- Font style: Pixel I Bold I Normal
- Language: English I Chinese
- Enable
- Add Friend key
- Panic Button
- Hand Chams (14 types)
- Weapon Chams (14 types)
- Last Death Position
- Debug Camera
- Debug Camera key
- Bright Night
- Bright Night Value (slider)
- Change Time
- Time Value (slider)
- Bright Caves
- Remove Layers: Water I Deployed I World I Terrain I Clutter I Tree
- Remove Layers Key
- Player Fov
- Fov Value (slider)
- Zoom
- Zoom key
- NoClip
- Infinity Jump
- Shoot In Air
- Omni Sprint
- Force Ladder
- No Player Colision
- No Head Colision
- Save settings
- Share config
- Load settings
- Delete settings
Ancient Rust
Ancient is one of the top providers of private software for various games. This software is based on Rust, has proven itself from the best side, regular updates, good functionality, a lot of positive reviews and all this at an affordable price!
Buy for 5$ for 1 day
By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.